Sengkaling is one of the recreational areas in the poor eastern Java. I think where a relatively large and beautiful and the air is cool. Suitable to refresh the brain for that much thought. There are many rides, especially for children's, one of them rides a horse - rocking, and various types of food there. Suitable for a shared experience of children - young people like us, particular UMM colleger. Heheheh Sengkaling hers was also the UMM, so fit for colleger.
Sengkaling ialah salah satu tempat rekreasi di malang jawa timur. Menurutku tempatnya lumayan luas dan indah serta udaranya sejuk. Cocok untuk merefresh otak bagi yang banyak pikiran. Disana banyak wahana khususnya buat anak - anak, salah satunya wahana kuda - kudaan, dan berbagai jenis makanan ada disana. Paslah buat tongkrongan anak - anak muda seperti kami, Khususnya mahasiswa UMM. Heheheh sengkaling itu juga kan miliknya UMM, jadi pas buat mahasiswanya.
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